How much do you take? Never mind the fact that because you hustled your way to the head of the line, you may have contacted Covid just now! March 23rd Letter to president. What health benefits does Ginger provide? So this is why pharma is moving so fast into vaccines, because vaccines dont have to go through the same regulatory framework. And the challenge that they put forward in 2003 is now recognizing Wait a minute, its not just about the genes. Have you seen the impact on agriculture from the shutting down of aviation and sea ports? Its time we move beyond the Left vs. And thats really that video really encompasses the heart and the soul of what were trying to do here. You will be proven Wrong. And then hopefully, we dont kill too many pilots at all. Patient : Doctor I have got Multiple ills ( many Side Effects ) from the Pill you Prescribed. So its a Systems Approach to biology. sorry Joel C-1984 is a plandemic not pandemic. So should no one get vaccinated? So, a lot of the work here is being done very ineffectively. And the medicinal use of Ginger dates all the way back to nearly 5000 years in ancient, both Chinese and Indian medicines and the medicinal effects of Ginger. So the right column here represents a cytokine, which is an inflammatory cytokine. I started working full time and I got a job as a research fellow at a medical school where I was very interested in applying computers to medicine. So I invite everyone to do that. In summary, ginger inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 and 5-LOX thereby controlling runaway immune response ginger directly kills bacteria and fungi ginger inhibits inflammatory cytokines and ginger mitigates allergic reactions and asthma and symptoms. So again, the good news is and thats called angiogenesis. And how does it do that ginger literally knocks out okay and the antimicrobial mechanism action or ginger disrupts a cell membrane its like a bunch of bullets shooting at the membrane of bacteria and fungi. So here I have no curcumin, no resveratrol, very tall, I have a high amount of inflammation. And this evening, Ill also be doing our every week, I do our group class, and its done in private group class, we do it on our own infrastructure here. #WorkersUnite. Moreover, starting in 2003, is when we had a big opportunity for a revolution in biology. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Discusses Covid-19 and Mandatory Vaccines. I run the Truth Freedom Health warrior training program. Dr. Shiva Lalezar is committed to finding the root cause of your illness. So thats were going to be talking about today. Trump is not the establishment. And its a product we call momentum to move. My journey to systems because itll take you on this long journey I took and thats why Ive interconnected the fight for Truth Freedom Health, how I look at transport, conversion, and storage. In fact, used CytoSolve to discover a combination therapy for pancreatic cancer, all done on the computer without killing animals. Chiudi. Many also know Shiva Ayyadurai because of his claims against vaccines. You guys get that together when you contribute that again, its my way of thanking you. Theyre ignoring many many things, okay. You know, for years, Ive been helping many, many of the largest brands in the world in the nutraceutical space, figure out how their combinations work on the business and business side. We only have 20,000 genes, the same number of genes as a worm. This course is available online for you to study at your own pace. Now when you do if you go to PubMed and you do the research youll find out that its quite a widely researched supplement theres nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials on Ginger, and thats over you know 89 years of medical research. nike nationals track and field backpack; 0 comments. There is a sense of panic and feeling that if one gets a vaccine shot, then all will be fine. Enter your email address to follow Vaxopedia and receive notifications of new posts by email. [6] gingerol, [8] gingerol, [10] gingerol, and [6] shogaol. @CytoSolve reveals SCHISANDRA FRUIT affects 4 molecular pathways involved in LUNG CONGESTION Video below. Okay, thats where youre understanding without any hyperbole. So molecular targets. And thats, this is essentially what we use to really understand the effects of Ginger on Immune Health or Turmeric on Immune Health or, you know, Molecular Hydrogen on Immune Health or, or Nitric Oxide on the effect of cardiovascular. But when you look at Ginger, and if you apply this youll find out when you look at your body, youll find out from the engineering Systems Approach Ginger lowers Vata Okay, so if youre very jittery and you want to calm down right if you have an upset stomach thats transport Ginger lowers Vata. The fact that you are so desperate to denounce him means he is right over the target. Full analysis: CytoSolve So how does that work? And these are the two type one and type two interferon so its very important for us to understand this when we look at ingredients like any of the ingredients were going to look at. Were spanning many spatial scales, as well as temporal scales. Chiudi. And Systems Health is literally the integration of Eastern and Western medicine. So when Ginger connects with inhibition of Cyclooxygenase enzymes, down regulates inflammation. So Gingerol inhibition of calcium channels leads to alleviation of asthma symptoms. But if youre ever in a air flight and you feel nausea or carsick you know one of the best things if you can get some good you take ginger but ginger ale its very powerful way to deliver it obviously you can get it organic with less sugar but ginger ale is phenomenal for nausea and vomiting its a way to really quiet the body down and its very powerful for the stomach all. And then we take a finite set of the designs, and then we go test it on the wind tunnel. Antitumor effects in cancer, hepatoprotective effects. (Dr. Shiva reads messages from participants) Okay. Be the Light. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Honor REAL Heroes, NOT Celebrities, Politicians & Grifter MDs All Who Hate YOU. But whats even more possible are companies such as Monsanto; bigpharma; Johnson and Johnson and their cronies like the Faucis of the world with huge stakes involved once again being less than truthful in the name of corporate interest! But I would say probably the most important thing Im doing right now, where I integrate all of those things, the medical understanding of systems, Eastern and Western understanding of systems, the political understanding of systems for Truth Freedom Health , into this Truth Freedom Health Platform. Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Dr Shiva Ayyadurai on Herd Immunity and Personalized Medicine. And when Ginger binds to that it has a very powerful effect in having anti-carcinogenic anti-tumour effects. This little pink structure here is the remnants of a virus that your body tries to eat up, and this remnant is and the second two is the antigen, which presents it to the T-cell and your T-cell creates the antibodies, thats pretty much what theyre talking about. These are also inflammatory cytokines, then it also affects transcription factors NF-kB. And even after I finished my PhD, in 2007, I spent five years publishing a lot of scientific papers in the leading journals, because you always have naysayers. Join the Movement for Truth Freedom Health, Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Systems Biology of Blood Clots, Spike Protein & Pericytes Beyond Vaxx & Anti-Vaxx. And Im very grateful for all of you who have who are contributing, and those people who contribute $100 or more will get access to the Truth Freedom Health Warrior Training Program, but then you also get to build community, I want you to go online. 1000s of genes get upregulated with the Interferon System, and type one IFNs are present in virtually all cells in the body in every cell in the body. While my recent work shows that all these are interconnected engineering meets medicine meets politics. Truth Freedom Health is founded in science and theres of course I created called the Foundation of System which Im late for today which I got to go teach which is a Foundation of System for Truth Freedom Health, For your training program, and the Truth Freedom Health and the Foundation of Systems says, look, Truth Freedom Health have a scientific foundation. And what was that? CytoSolve technology is designed to take a Systems Approach and distilled nearly 12,260 research articles, 231 clinical trials, widely researched for 89 years medically. Okay Im sure most of you have seen it, but you never know. And over the last 16 years, weve actually built our own models, weve really started getting a deep understanding. Chiudi. 2023 - All Rights Reserved |. So we see Ginger also interacts with that so obviously what youre finding is the research shows that Ginger can have many many anti cancer properties from its interaction okay so thats the molecular targets of Ginger. So, here, theyre doing cancer cells in a test tube than they do in vivo, which is on an animal. Up here as I like to normally do, this is the [6] gingerol over here, you see its got the OH and the string of carbons with the OH and double O over it [10] gingerol essentially has 1-234-567-8910 up until the OH Okay, this says 123456 this is how they number in organic chemistry. The three pillars include: 1) The System Dynamics of Truth Freedom Health, 2) The Power of a Bottoms Up Movement, and 3) The Not So Obvious Establishment. Author. For example, lets say I wanted to combine Turmeric, which we talked about with resveratrol, which are grapes. So lets go back to Ginger. This course will provide you three pillars of knowledge with the Foundation of Systems Thinking. In fact, interferons create the antiviral in that environment in the cell. So my theory was, well, if you could do this better, you could solve a lot of the side effects and the stuff that comes out of this end. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) Could we create a technology that could mathematically model that. Okay? So fundamentally, Ive created a science of not only political change, not only taken from Engineering Systems Theory, which all interconnects so when you understand System Science of Systems, youre understanding the science of everything. In other words, if HIV causes AIDS, then how come most people exposed to the HIV virus dont get AIDS (the transmission rate is quite low)? Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Scott Adams & Elizabeth Warren are BOTH Racists. So the other important thing to understand is the entire drug development model is based on like the blind man touching the elephant. its not the simple exchange of text messages but one of the things that the invention of email brings us to is a system of innovation, again another system that the innovation of Email did not occur in the military industrial academic complex. When I began my campaign I realized that I wanted to create a slogan or an understanding for a movement that could be based on science and that led me to create the concept of Truth Freedom Health. This is our data center, you could create your own community here, ask questions, theres a Social Media equivalent that weve done to Facebook all underground, so you dont get thrown off. COVID-19 conspiracy theories: Vaccines and 5G (along with Bill Gates) are responsible! And any one of you can sign up to it. And if you look at someone like Fauci, he is the guy who architected the big lie that HIV is responsible for AIDS.. He knew about Esptein and when he found out he wash his hands from him. Here's the Letter to Trump - the Republican WHITE HOUSE - in March of 2020 - giving him the SCIENCE - of why NOT to LOCKDOWN the COUNTRY. This is the website of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. He shares with. And I proved it out with many different industrial organizations. More EVIDENCE . Food is medicine and its really a 23rd century platform for discovery where we could do this faster, cheaper, and safer. Now, months later his findings are proving to be right. Again, we take a Systems Approach to understanding food: So we use a five part scale to really determine a holistic way what food is. It cant handle food. Were not claiming its perfect, but based on whats going on at any point in Science, were able to bring that literature together and really understand it. Everything Ive shared with you now comes from the Bottoms-up molecular Systems Engineering Approach. One died from a chronic heart condition. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) If you need more digestion metabolism thats a dry Ginger and then Ginger also lowers Kapha okay which is which means it lowers fat storage which Kapha is so you can see from an engineering standpoint from an Eastern Approach the effects of Ginger. And then you can get activated, you can learn how you educate your neighbors about the real systems issue of masks, how you educate them to go Beyond Vax & Anti-vax So this is a Systems Approach. Attributed to its Gingerol compounds so were going to talk about the Gingerol compound thats one of the active ingredients in Ginger and generally recognized as safe by the FDA. This button displays the currently selected search type. So that synergy response is whats involved here. This is the power of CytoSolve, CytoSolve is really the source of scientific Truth. . VASHIVA, LLC. 467K views, 8.6K likes, 2.3K loves, 2.7K comments, 7.2K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from V.A. But fundamentally, the interconnection of Truth Freedom Health is one of the things that is probably my latest discovery and innovation and platform. Dr.SHIVA LIVE: THIS Is the Solution to the Global Attack on Freedom In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of But interestingly enough in the Indian system of medicine there are three terms Vata Pitta and Kapha that are directly related to a way that my Grandmother would diagnose your body. There were scenes like this where my Grandparents were poor village farmers. It goes back to academia, even before Big Pharma is academic research, where if youre a researcher in academia, youre incentivized not to look at the whole problem. And by the way, what youre learning here youre not going to learn anywhere else because Systems Biology is still relatively a new field and Systems Biology says We dont just in order to understand the whole human here, we got to understand how the genes interact with proteins across cells and tissues to understand the whole. There you go that is our talk today on Ginger and the immune system I hope this was valuable and I want to encourage all of you to understand that throughout this talk here Ive integrated many things the Science of Systems talked about Truth Freedom Health talked about transport conversion and storage talked about politics talked about the invention of email why because everything is interconnected when we do these videos on studying ginger to affect the immune system understand that that same methodology can be used to understand political systems thats why I keep pounding away I want to educate about 50,000 Truth Freedom Health warriors so you can better your health you we can win freedom we can win truth its all interconnected anyway everyone Im late for my class but I hope all of you become Truth Freedom Health warriors and contribute to and support us you can you know just join as a member but I those of you who are supporting us financially I cannot take it without also giving back thats why weve created the supporter program you get the books and the your body or system or you get become a warrior so please support this for yourself we need to build a Bottoms-up movement thank you very much. Dr. Shiva (not a medical doctor) Ayyadurai also has a plan to "restore the immune and economic health of the American people" that includes giving adults and children very, very high doses of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, and iodine. Fechar. And what many of these nutraceutical companies do is throw formulations that say they throw a lot of marketing. She either saw as a Vata, Pitta, Kapha body type alright so this is the way Eastern systems were understood and I wanted to find the intersection of both of these, this led me on a Fulbright research back to MIT in 2007 my goal was to integrate East and West. If a Patient goes with an ailment to the MD what would the response be of the MD. Were able to do that same effect on the computer where my grandmother, for example, used to come up with combinations of lets say, mixing this herb and that or if you ask her, Well, how did you do that she would speak in a language, it was hard for people to understand in terms of not only language, but using an ancient system medicine. THREE criteria HOW YOU to DECIDE who you should TRUST: 1) Do they identify the REAL PROBLEM 2) Do they provide a REAL SOLUTION 3) Do they do share (1) & (2) at Educator. Dr.SHIVA was the first to share its power to the global audience when the #Coronavirus fear-mongering was unleashed by the #DeepState and had to withstand censorship and attacks by the grifters who questioned his expertise on the subject. derived from a "fake scvence" understanding of the immune system one, which Dr. Fauci, over five decades has perpetuated, and exploited to build his career . What Biological Functions Does Ginger Affect? What is Ginger well first of all its a mighty herb you know its one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world its a rhizome its not really a root when we say root but its the thing that grows off the side of roots and its the main portion of Ginger that is consumed. And you can create your own interaction. Lavoro Persone Learning Chiudi Chiudi. And that was really the creation of CytoSolve. #WorkersUnite. You know, it looks at pieces. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, PhD (M.I.T.) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Scott Adams & Elizabeth Warren are BOTH Racists. My husband thought I was nuts for even questioning the efficacy of vaccines. So, and furthermore, if you look at the pharmaceutical industry, this is why they need to move into the market of vaccines because youre over a year and a year theyre doing R & D funding in this pharmaceutical model, and Big Pharma is frankly failing big time. So lets look at it in detail so remember heres gingerol and inflammation leads to harmful disproportionate immune response. So, thats really, will give all of you a deep understanding of the many different kinds of things I do. With CytoSolve, we can break through that. The International Center for Integrative Systems also has created, The first worldwide Clean Food Certified Seal. So by the way, if you think Email as the electronic version of the Interoffice Communication System, CytoSolve is the electronic version of the Molecular Communication System. Biology kept saying, well, we knew a worm had around 20,000 genes. Cadastre-se Entrar . And so one of the areas that I thought CytoSolve would be very powerful used is in the entire drug development field, which is highly highly takes a lot of time to do its highly, highly inefficient, you can see and its inefficient, it is broken, the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry is broken. So if the elephant here represents Immune Health, if the elephant represents cancer, right, you will find out that the individual way that research is done today in academia is its reductionism. So you dont even get anything close to the elephant. And what Ive decided to do is, you know, for the last many, many years, Ive been helping major companies in business to business understand it, but over the last 15 years, we have created repositories and mathematical models. Engineer. So todays talk is going to be on Ginger and Immune Health, a CytoSolve Molecular Systems Biology Analysis. Well, how would you combine both those things? Its time YOU learn how to apply a systems approach to get the Truth Freedom Health you need and deserve. As The English would.say : No! Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Vitamin E. If you're having radiation to treat lung cancer, avoid large doses of supplements like: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Vitamin C. Green tea extract. Trump is getting rid of the swamp. Why I want all of you to be Truth Freedom Health warriors why the interconnect of engineering, medicine and politics are one in the same once you understand systems youll see we dont need to look at politics in its own little bucket over here or engineering over here science, they are all interconnected. So let me talk about CytoSolve, So CytoSolve is a powerful technology that came out of my PhD work at MIT during the period of 2003 to 2007 to really address a very powerful grand challenge that was put forward by the National Science Foundation which was how could you given that so much science and research is going on how could you use technology to mathematically model the human cell, how could you use technology to understand literature in a field and organize it and put it in such a way that you could actually use the computer to model diseases, model biochemical, biomolecular functions on the computer so we could understand the science of whats going on. Okay, what is actually in Ginger and well find is in Ginger, there are 115 different chemical compounds, think about that. And then youre looking at similarly the blue lines are, resveratrol hits, that Im able to mathematically model that combination of both curcumin and resveratrol. My goal of my PhD work was, could we integrate connect many, many mathematical models, so you could scale which means create large scale models in a decentralized way. What biological functions does Ginger affect? CytoSolve is a decentralized, inclusive, transparent, open, personalized system based infrastructure for finding the Scientific Source of Truth. In fact, #Fauci is now agreeing to Dr.SHIVAs findings that Vitamin D can BOOST IMMUNITY, but too little, too late. And thats really the scientific method. Vitamin C: 250 mg per day for children, 1000 mg per day for adults, once per day. This is what happens to Patients who may start with one Lifestyle disease such as High Cholesterol and then they end up having Diabetes also and then they Progress to suffer from may be Blood Pressure also. Yes, its the tool thats been needed. You cant do that. And I want to thank many of you whove donated $25 or more to building our Truth Freedom Health movement. In addition, another one of the activities I do is another company I run is an Educational Institute called Systems Health. Its a marker for cancer. They have the largest Ivory Towers ( Hospitals ) with state of Art Equipments you will not find in rest of the World yet they are The Sickest Nation in the World ( Check on CDC website ). And the Job is Done. Ampliar bsqueda. He is a Fulbright Scholar and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. This is Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai. Its basically a powerful mighty herb. Now, you can see, were going to now look at the molecular targets of Ginger. Scientist. Shiva Ayyadurai: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Vitamin D Defends YOU. In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email breaks down the complexity of the Immune System and its interconnections to understand that modern science clearly shows that the future of medicine is personalized and precision medicine: the right medicine for the right person at the right time. Any Walmart shopper can tell you that. Thats the fresh Ginger big difference between fresh Ginger and dry Ginger. 4 Ways How Ginger Affects the Immune System. Empleos Personas Learning . Instead you should have recommended the food for it like 1 apple, 2 oranges, carrots, tomatoes, etc. You notice it doesnt have the OH group. Okay. Again all of this you can see the references here you can look up on PubMed. Dr. Shiva share how the theory of the immune system being taught now is about a 100 years old.