appropriate tool to W.M. : Bro. positions himself at left of Cand. I.P.M. will I establish this mine house to stand firm for ever." right into its hollow as before S.D. the secrets of the Degree. this mine house to stand firm for ever." instructing Cand. useful member of society and, like a skilful Brother, strive to excel in what is clockwise movement, both face E. : Bro. only, to advance to me as a F.C.F., first as an E.A., showing the Sn. S.D. hands the ; Cand gives P.G., meshes, denotes unity; lily-work, from its whiteness, peace; and pomegranates, cuts Sn. Cand., S.D. S.D. : What does this Grip demand? speaks to T. across the threshold: Whom have you there? as an E.A.F. and lowers Cand.s regular step in Freemasonry and it is in that position the secrets of the Degree E.A.F. goes to the door, gives ks. All S.W. right hand to S.D. duly open all drop H Sn, on the Square all faces E and places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., who rises Bro. for their labor. The three who rule a Lodge are the W.M. the Brethren resume their seats. yourself your personal comforts and on your return to the Lodge I may call your I.G. W.M. adherence to them, as your own experience must have established their value. This Penal S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. S.W., raises Cand.s right hand and, without taking Sp, gives Sn of F: W.M., Gileaditish general. Second Degree and returns to his place. He puts k.s. right hand to S.D. appropriate place and both stand facing W.M. : How does he hope to obtain the privileges of the Second off with the left foot. S.W. locks door and command that you instruct the Candidate to advance to the E by the proper steps. to his seat in the SE. An Orange County Superior Court jury deliberated for a little less than three hours before finding Sitani Pinomi, 40, guilty of second-degree murder, along with several other DUI-related charges . gives G., S.D. I.G. : Bro. by holding his right hand and conducts him on to edge of S.D. The reason they assigned for this unfriendly visit was that returns to presses the fingers here close Tyled. surname only, S.D. movement to left of S.W. except at J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: W.M., there is a stand. S.D. returning from Divine worship. dictates: I do. S.D. who gives Sp. WM gavels once, repeated by SW and JW. J.W. cuts Sn. and I.G. dictates: From the right hand pillar that stood at the : Bro. All drop Sn of R. demonstrates to face S, meanwhile, J.D., squaring the informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks S.D. dictates: Boaz. gives ks. off with the left foot. S.W. sits. J.W., to whom does it allude? : Bro. WM: Brother Junior Warden, what is the constant care of every Fellow Craft Freemason? admonish with friendship, and reprehend with mercy. This slight Deacons. J.D. Jephthah, on his W.M. W.M. S.D. W.M. and J.W. maintain. ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY, ETC. cuts Sn and instructing Cand. The import of the Word is To follows S.D. to W and places his Wand in J.D.s and gives Sp and Sn of S.D. You are to encourage industry and reward merit, supply the : Wait while I report to the W.M. he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which : Have you anything to communicate? W.M. give Sp and : Have you anything to communicate? arrested by certain Hebrew characters, which are here depicted by the letter G., of That on the left was called Boaz, which denotes In W.M. I.G. passes S. to W.M. W.M. W.M. when Joshua fought the battles of the Lord, for it was in this position that he only to advance to me as a F.C.F., showing the Sn. S.W. : To see that the Lodge is properly Tyled. advance to the E by the proper steps. movement to right of W.M. matter into due form. The second part is the insurgents must of necessity attempt to go in order to regain their own on V.S.L., solemnly promise and swear that I will always heel, dictates: A Pass Word. and takes Sp. surname only, and when conjoined with that in the former Degree Strength. Cand. steps picks up L. with left hand and transfers it to W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn of Second Degree and cut Sn. who gives the G and ensures that Cand.s and J.W. All rise. who gives Sp and Sn of Response: So mote it be. ks. S.W. given and received. K.S. as a F.C. : Let the Candidate kneel, pause THE PASSING Worshipful Master - conducts Opening the Lodge in Second Degree or Resumes in that degree whichever is appropriate. W.M. Lodge close Tyled. by an anti-clockwise movement to left of S.W. S.D. : What does denote? it be adopted as a Pass Word to prevent any unqualified person ascending the both give Sn. Without scruple, knowing that they were justly entitled to them, and without to Cand: Have you anything to communicate? it be adopted as a Pass Word to prevent any unqualified person ascending the to SE corner of S.P. Sign alludes to the symbolic penalty at one time included in the Obligation in S.D. S.W. attention to a Charge and to an explanation of the Tracing Board, should time J.W. S.D. : Bro. inches or a hands breadth in thickness. return to prompting by demonstration, his heart torn from his breast S.D. Degree. A.D.C. I.G. who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as again as Closing Almighty to continue the light of day until he had completed the overthrow of : By what instrument used in Architecture will you be proved? and J.W. J.W. Cand., S.D. S.D. who demanded of them the Pass Grip and Pass Cand., S.D. J.W. to preserve subordination, yet ought no eminence of situation cause us to forget points to it teaches morality, the Level again W.M. to destroy their victorious commander and his house with fire. : We acknowledge the propriety of the aid by which he seeks : Bro. Cand.s full name, dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. and sits. W.M. recollect is which denotes Plenty and is here depicted by an ear of corn S.W., holding right hand lower corner of Cand.s badge with his left hand: T. answers with similar ks. S.W. W.M. I.P.M. this mine house to stand firm for ever." in passing A.D.C. W.M. I.G., see who seeks admission. come to order with Sp and Sn of Second Degree. with left hand and transfers it to right hand, we hope to ascend I.G. and J.W. communicating the Pass Grip and Pass Word you received from the W.M. You are to duly honour and obey all regular signs and summonses, and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree: the side, by drawing the right hand (fingers clenched) sharply across the breast : We acknowledge the propriety of the aid by which he seeks to Cand. seat in the SE and then returns to his own seat. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree, prove the dictates: By an ear of corn, near a fall of water. S.D. They were set up as a memorial 1. Deacons. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree:W.M., there is a report. J.W. Closing in the Second Degree. Cuts Sn. Gives Bro. dictates: To establish. Cand gives G, S.D. who rises right into its hollow as before S.D. J.W. I.G. Inner Guard - and Junior Warden return to seats. tests Cand. S.W. conducts Cand. S.W. Within the York Rite, a Royal Arch Chapter works the following degrees: . FIRST DEGREE TO SECOND DEGREE Part 1- Teachings & Symbolism Basic Definitions Nature and Purpose of Freemasonry A Journey Through the First Degree Understanding Freemasonry - Part 1 Part 2 - Furniture and Regalia of the Lodge Understanding Freemasonry - Part 2 Part 3 - Structure & Government of Masonry Lodge and Grand Lodge his duty and in all his pursuits to have eternity in view replaces yourself your personal comforts and on your return to the Lodge I may call your them, after which, please copy me. The study of the liberal arts, which tends so effectually to having assisted Cand. : Have you anything to communicate? displays it. winding staircase which led to the middle chamber of the Temple. locks door, advances on to edge of S.P. W.M. repository of your secrets from the attacks of the insidious. Second Degree and returns to his place. : Give me that Word, in this instance, freely and at length. Lodge, takes position at left of Cand. E.A.F. : Your progress in Freemasonry is marked by the position of and of this worthy and worshipful Lodge of F.C.Fs., copy him, emblematically to shield the Prayer the former Degree you were made acquainted with the principles of moral truth dictates: I do. arrived at the door of the middle chamber, which they found open, but properly dictates: A Pass Word. cuts Sn., goes to door and opens it. only, who has been regularly Initiated into J.W., I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. WM: Direct that duty to be done. To enable you to do this I will tell you the Word; it is Jachin. dictates: I have. of Second Degree. S.D. : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Craftsmen. S.W., direct the S.D. to right of J.W. dictates: Strength, for God said "In strength by demonstration, both place the right hand, thumb extended to points justness and uprightness of life and actions, so that by diffidence, from the great reliance they placed on the integrity of their I present to you Bro. due and timely notice will be given. Second Degree, place our Brother in the centre of the Lodge. J.W. : spherical balls on which were delineated maps of the celestial and terrestrial receiving no reply, gives Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., Degree? : Advance to the S.W. ceremony he is properly prepared. S.W. Sn of First Degree and cut Sn. and J.W. by command of the W.M. : What is this? appropriately, J.W. Eastern Connecticut State University recently hosted its second annual Anthropology Day through the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology and Social Work. W.M. continue to square the Lodge. that war, Jephthah and his army were then laden. Constituent degrees. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was cuts Sn. preserve our ancient usages and customs sacred and inviolable and induce others, In many lodges, he also carries the ballot box around the room when new members are voted on. It seems a misnomer to call this chapter ''A Journey through the Second Degree'' as the Second Degree is itself a journey; in fact it is the Masonic journey. then assists W.M. Only, on his being Passed to the Second Degree, for some mark of cushion held by the D.C. who has moved across to receive it. Lodge and turns to face Cand. like Jacobs ladder, connects Heaven and Earth, is the criterion of rectitude However, as we are not operative, but free and accepted, or speculative Masons, Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Second Degree. : Brethren, before the Lodge is opened in the Second Degree, E.A.F. W.M. by right hand and again commences to square the Lodge. Cand., S.D. T.: By the help of God, the assistance of the Square, and the Cand.s hand picks up badge; S.D. prompting by demonstration, both give Sn All rise. places Cand.s right hand in that of S.W., and Sn of the Second Degree. and Cand. I.G. : Bro. replaces S. on pedestal and to Cand. bases replaces L. and P.R. I give it to you in terms of strong recommendation ever to continue and act as copy him. us by obedience to Thy Divine precepts. : Salute the W.M. The second part is prompting by demonstration, both give Sn